WordProLWP7. )8zfWord Pro Text File/DFBC@PPPPP-PPP@Luc Van Bogaert )8e)8QB@@@Luc Van BogaertH@BLVBXP p@@Luc Van Bogaert@FLVBX@@@q pcPP`@@q pcPP` @UNIVERSAL_ALL_OTHERS_EDITOR@FOTRX@@@q pcPP`@@q pcPP`ZZZZZZ  Z Z Z Z((ZZZZZzZZZZZZZZZZZ Z!Z"Z#Z$% pH@P& pH@P' pH@P( pH@P) pH@P*+,-./0123456/7(8(9(:(;(<(=Z?@H@@ A?X@P`@@P`@@Pp@P`@@Hx``@@Hx``PBD@QEB PP p E q@@Py qQdIz qPHPHPHPH(q@F33p= :@Fl qAy yAQdHH xTp= APHBff PHB( @@@@@@ yy HBPHBff ( dHHc  @@@P H$ FAFxQG @QFHZIZJZKZLZMZNOZPZQZRZS(Tt(UV AxpA@PW AxpA@PX tAtxpA@PY pH@PZ pH@P[\]t^_`abcdefg/h Bp @(i(j(k(l(m(nZpqH@@ r%F@@EBodysBPP@EBody@p s q@@Pt AAX@@ Default PageQ(A@JIXA @CPageH@@Default Page Styleh$@@ Default TextIyyAz i@ @ Paper trayH$7qyt@i H@IAAtP@EHeaderIA-AXqqyW@@Default HeaderQ H@BPRPAAP@EHeaderH@@Default Header StyleIyy` @YXQqA:@ Default Text`P@Y@@Default Text Stylex& &h@Q (@FStory AA8t@i H@IAAP@EFooterIA-AXrW@@Default FooterQ H@BPRAAP@EFooterH@@Default Footer StyleIyy` @YXQ  *Ayh@Q (@FStoryAYAA t6 AAV@i(H@IAAP@CPageIAt-A=qy@i H@IAAP@EHeaderIA-AX 0: AAASSEnd *Ayh@Q (@@FStoryAYAA AAASSEnd9@i H@IyP@EFooterIAAX AAASSEnd *Ayh@Q (@@FStoryAYAA AAASSEnd *yh@Q ,@StoryYD yPV AF33pA@D@H Warpstock 2000 Bid Proposal FormB TPAlnFSEnd XABS PP  "APHAF33ffA@ASSEndAAPHAF33> A@D@HWarpstock Bid ProcessSSEnd"APHAF33ffA@ASSEndMAPHAF33ffA@DX#1. The Warpstock Board of DirectorsSSEnd"APHAF33ffA@ASSEnd$33GxWarpstock, Inc., a non-profit corporation incorporated in the State of North Carolina, is the legal entity sponsoring the annual Warpstock conference. Warpstock, Inc. is represented by the Warpstock Board of Directors (the Board). The purpose of the Board is to provide the continuity of management for the conference and to manage those aspects which transcend a single year.SEnd"AP HAF33ffA@ASSEndBAP HAF33ffA@DX2. The Annual Event TeamSSEnd"APHAF33ffA@ASSEndAPHAF3323+A@BThe Annual Event Team (the Team) is the group responsible for the annual Warpstock conference management. They are the group which plans and puts on the conference with oversight by the Board.SSEnd"APHAF33ffA@ASSEnd4APHAF33ffA@DX 3. The BidSSEnd"APHAF33ffA@ASSEndAPHAF33A@BThe Board will solicit bids from a Team to put on each annual Warpstock conference. The Team is composed of, but not limited to, the following positions:SSEnd"APHAF33ffA@ASSEnd6APHAF33ffA@AJ * Event ChairSSEnd9APHAF33ffA@AJ* Event Co-ChairSSEnd>APHAF33ffA@AJ* Speaker CoordinatorSSEndAAPHAF33ffA@AJ* Facilities CoordinatorSSEnd@APHAF33ffA@AJ* Exhibitor CoordinatorSSEnd@APHAF33ffA@AJ* Volunteer CoordinatorSSEndCAPHAF33ffA@AJ* Registration CoordinatorSSEnd>AP HAF33ffA@AJ* Network CoordinatorSSEnd@AP!HAF33ffA@AJ* Publicity CoordinatorSSEnd"AP"HAF33ffA@ASSEndAP#HAF3323+A@BܿAs part of submitting a bid, the Team needs to name a person to fill each of these roles. The Board prefers to see a separate person for each role, but may allow, with sufficient reason, for one person to fill two roles.SSEndBP&HAF33A@BNo person on the Team may fill more than two roles, nor shall the roles of Event Chair and Event Co-chair be filled by the same person.SSEnd"P(HAF33ffA@ASSEnd$ )3323+In the event of the Event Chair becoming unable to fulfill his/her role, the Event Co-Chair shall become the Event Chair. The new Event Chair shall then submit a nomination to the Board for a new Event Co-Chair to be approved by the Board.SEnd # H-HAF33ffA@ASSEnd$ V .339,It is desired that most of the team be from the proposed geographic area, though not required. It is also desired that the team be part of a group of people who have a history of working and interacting with each other, however, the Board will consider the Team and not the group when awarding a bid.SEnd) @3JT AF33ffA@ASSEnd>H4HAF33ffA@DX4. The RelationshipSSEnd#H5HAF33ffA@ASSEnd$3$63323+ The relationship between the Board and the Team is much like the relationship between a corporations board of directors and the executivesof that corporation. The Board is responsible for year to year management, budget approval, and general oversight of the event.SEnd$#&H:HAF33ffA@ASSEnd&,$;3323+The Team is responsible for site selection, speaker and exhibitor recruitment, volunteer management, network management, and general day to day activities once the Board approves the specific plans.SEnd,#.&H>HAF33ffA@ASSEnd.P2,H?HAF33ffA@DX%5. Items Which Require Board ApprovalSSEnd2#3.H@HAF33ffA@ASSEnd352HAHAF33A@BcSeveral major items, which are part of the bid, require approval by the Board. These items include:SSEnd5#63HCHAF33ffA@ASSEnd6:75HDHAF33ffA@AJ* Overall BudgetSSEnd7:86HEHAF33ffA@AJ* Site selectionSSEnd8797HFHAF33ffA@AJ * Event DatesSSEnd9>:8HGHAF33ffA@AJ* Registration RatesSSEnd:<;9HHHAF33ffA@AJ* Exhibition RatesSSEnd;E<:HIHAF33ffA@AJ* Advertising and marketingSSEnd<?=;HJHAF33ffA@AJ* Registration PolicySSEnd=#><HKHAF33ffA@ASSEnd>8?=HLHAF33ffA@DX 6. The BudgetSSEnd?#@>HMHAF33ffA@ASSEnd$@JD?N339 The Event Chair, along with his/her team, is responsible for submitting a budget to the Board for approval. This budget should lay out all major expenditures expected for Warpstock. Examples of expenditures would be hotel fees, audio/visual equipment rental, network access, and t-shirts.SEnd$DAH@R3323+It is not necessary for the budget to show to the penny each expense, however it should show all general categories and any item of significant expense. It does not have to specify vendor names, but instead the general category such as audio/visual equipment rental will suffice.SEndH#IDHVHAF33ffA@ASSEndILHHWHAF33A@BOnce the Board approves a budget, the Team is free to work within this budget to put on the event. Any deviations/overruns from the budget will require approval by the Board.SSEndL#MIHZHAF33ffA@ASSEndM;NLH[HAF33ffA@DX7. Surplus FundsSSEndN#OMH\HAF33ffA@ASSEnd$O[N]33d`Warpstock is not designed as a money making venture. However it must break even in order to remain successful as a non-profit event. Generally the budget is designed so that a small surplus is generated to allow for extra expenses and startup funds for the next year's event. If surplus funds exist beyond that, Warpstock Inc. may share those funds with the local user group the Team represents. This is provided the the local group is a non-profit organization according to the applicable state, federal, and tax regulations. The Team should propose any disposition of surplus funds in their bid submission.SEnd XABs PP  [#\OHfHAF33ffA@ASSEnd\7][HgHAF33ffA@DX 8. ContractsSSEnd])^\@hJt AF33ffA@ASSEnd$^d]i33GAs a non-profit corporation, only the officers of Warpstock, Inc. may enter into contracts on behalf of Warpstock, Inc. The event chair will work with a board member(s) during the negotiation stage. The board may authorize the event chair to negotiate some minor contracts without interaction of the Board as long as the budget amount is not exceeded and no unreasonable liabilities are agreed to.SEndd#e^HoHAF33ffA@ASSEnde;fdHpHAF33ffA@DX9. CommunicationSSEndf#geHqHAF33ffA@ASSEnd$gnfr33GIt is the responsibility of the Team to keep the Board informed of their progress. At minimum, a report should be submitted by the Event Chair listing the current status and progress of the entire Team prior to the Warpstock, Inc. Board of directors meetings. Starting two months prior to the event, reports must be submitted on a weekly basis. The Board also operates a mailing list for communication between the Team members. The Team is encouraged to use this list forSEndnqgHyHAF33A@Bcommunication between themselves and the Board. Several prior year Team members as well as industry advisors are available on this mailing list for comment and questions.SSEndq#rnH|HAF33ffA@ASSEndrtqH}HAF33A@BFrom time to time, the Board may request the Team to meet via Internet Relay Chat conference, conference call, or other such means to be decided.SSEndt#urHHAF33ffA@ASSEnduMvtHHAF33ffA@DX"10. Responsibility and ObligationsSSEndv#wuHHAF33ffA@ASSEnd$wv33d\By submitting a bid and being selected as the Annual Event Team, the Team is entering into a contractual agreement with the Board to plan and produce the annual Warpstock conference. The Team has a responsibility and obligation to the Board to do this in the manner proscribed by the Board. Any actions taken by the Team outside of the rights granted by the Board may be grounds for rescission of the bid award. Actions which may result in rescission of the award may include, but are not limited to, direct violations of the bid agreement and incurring budget overruns without the approval of the board.SEnd#wHHAF33ffA@ASSEnd=HHAF33ffA@DX11. Bid SubmissionSSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd$339aTeams wishing to bid on hosting Warpstock 2000 must declare their intention to do so by November 30, 1999. This may be accomplished by sending electronic mail to the address of "bids2k@warpstock.org". Aan automatic reply will be sent upon reception of the initial information. If a reply is not received within 24 hours of submission, please contact anySEndbHHAF33ffA@B;Board member directly to determine the notification status.SSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd$339kOnce an initial "intention" has been made, the Board will remain in close contact with the Teams throughout the remainder of the bid process. It is expected one person on the bid team will become the liaison to the Board during this time. The Board may also arrange a "virtual" meeting with the bid team to discuss specifics of the proposal. This meeting would beSEndbHHAF33ffA@B;either by Internet Relay Chat or telephone conference call.SSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEndHHAF33A@BFinal bids are due on December 15, 1999. As soon as all of the bids have been received, the Board will review all proposals and announce the winning Annual Event Team.SSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd:HHAF33ffA@DX12. Bid OutlineSSEnd)@J AF33ffA@ASSEndWHHAF33ffA@B0The bid shall include the following information:SSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd XB PP  8HHAF33ffA@B12.1 Contact InfoSSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd\HHAF33ffA@B5For each person on the Team: (as listed in section 3)SSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd3HHAF33ffA@B Contact NameSSEnd7HHAF33ffA@BContact PositionSSEnd=HHAF33ffA@BContact QualificationsSSEnd4HHAF33ffA@B Contact PhoneSSEnd<HHAF33ffA@BContact Email AddressSSEndBHHAF33ffA@BContact Postal Mail AddressSSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEndJHHAF33ffA@B#12.2 User Group / Organization InfoSSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd5HHAF33ffA@BIf applicable:SSEnd#HHAF33ffA@ASSEnd8HHAF33ffA@BOrganization NameSSEndGHHAF33ffA@B Organization postal mail addressSSEndcHHAF33ffA@BAB AF33ffA@AJ * IBM liaisonSSEndiI@AF33ffA@AJ>* storage equipment rental (chairs, exhibit tables, and so on)SSEndvI@AF33ffA@AJJ* setting up facility (when can exhibitors get in to set up their booths?)SSEnd@I@AF33ffA@AJ* posters and bannersSSEndMI@AF33ffA@AJ"* entertainment for the evening(s)SSEndvI @AF33ffA@AJJ* entertainment available nearby (for family, before/after the event, etc)SSEnd[ I @AF33ffA@AJ0* lists of nearby restaurants and tourist sightsSSEnd k I @AF33ffA@AJ?* area maps (for the Web site, at least) and driving directionsSSEnd I  I @AF33ffA@AJ* press releases for WarpstockSSEnd t  I @AF33ffA@AJH* liaison with vendors for their "announced at Warpstock" press releasesSSEnd u  I@AF33ffA@AJI* acknowledging that the organizers in charge won't have a life for weeksSSEnd = I@AF33ffA@AJ* before the eventSSEndS I@AF33ffA@AJ(* cleanup after the event (who does it?)SSEnd'sAB AF33ffA@ASSEndrHBA@ tB PP    'yh@h@Story_ G@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE.@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE.@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE.@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE.@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE.@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE)@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE)@@@Qp@PT@@@QpE)@@@QpE(@@@Qp@P T@@@QpB)SSEnd,r @Default OutlineK OX  $rqh@h@DStoryrWP G@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@P?xE.@@@P?x@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@QpE.@@@Qp@P QSSEnd,@Legal NumberingK OXrSrHBA@T Ssr]HBA@Xt srHBA@ rHBA@ rHBA@ H$F'iGa A@H@@P@@P@@PPpPP@P P w )8FQIAQANQRQJAVAPA[A\AXAWAYAZA^A]AbAcAdAeAfAKALAMASATAUAO hAiAjAgAkAlAmAnPAH pcP`P cpcP cpc@@Times New Romanh@@ aA_A`Qqyr@@Luc Van Bogaert942214286HA iaA@H@@P@@P@@PPpPP@P P p`B'd@PB@@@HP LaserJet 4L@HP LaserJet 4L @LASERJET @HPLaserJ@E1-9999XPDUVerF@P@Original Version@Luc Van Bogaert )8e)8`@@BLVBo )8QA A Q QA%A A*A+A'A&A(A)A-A,A1A2A3A4A5AAAAAAA 7A8A9A6A:A;A"I#I#I$I$P%I+%I'I'I (IK(I|(I=*Ih*I*I*I,I-I-I.I.I(/IS/I1I 2IR2I}2I4I{4I4ID6I6I6I7I7I 8IQ8I8I8I8I>9Ii9I9I9I3:Ir:I:I:I7;I;I;I;I)If>I>II?I?I?I@IF@I@I@IQAI|AIAIAI>BIBIBICIKCICI7DIZDIDIDIEI1EIEIFIGIGIGIHIBHIAIIlIIIIIIoKIKILLIwLILILIdMIMIMI$NININI8OIOIOIOISPIPIQIQIQI/RIoRIRI1SISITIcTITIUIUIUI5VIVIWIWIWIVXIXIYIsYIYIYIYIYIZI[I[I[I\Is]I]IRI]I]I]I]I^I+^I:^IW^If^I^D )8A IaIXXwwpwp8wwpwp8p?Xwpww9wwpwww9pp?Xwwp9wpwpwpwp9p@Fwpww:wpwpwww:p@Xwpwp=wpwpp=p@Xwpw@wpwpw@pBXXXX p( wwpwpwwpwwwwpwwwwp# wppwwwpwwpwwwpwwpwpwwwp" pM'pp wwpwpwpwpwwpw wpwpwwpwpwwp wpwpwwpwpwwpwpwwpwpwpwpwpwpwpw pp"pXXXXX wpwwpF wwwpF pKXXXXXwF wpwpwpwwp> pwpwpwpwpwp>Xppwppp# wpwpwpwwpwwwpwwpwwpwwwwp pwpwpw wpwpwwpwpwwwwpwpwpwpw pwpwppwwpwp<pwpp wwwpwpwpwpwpwpwwpwpwpw wpwwwpwpwwwwwwwpwpwpwpwpwwpwww pppp9XXXXX wpwwpwp: wwpwpwpwp: ppp>XXXX wI pwpwwG wppwGXppwp wpwwpwpwpwpwwwpwpwwwp pwpwpw pwpwwwpwwpwpwwwpwpwwwX ppp wpwwpwpwpwwwpwpwwwwpwwwppwwwp wpwpwpwpwpwpwwpw wpwpwwwpwpwwwpw0 wp ppp wpwpwpwwwpwpwwpwpwwpwwpwpwwpw wpwpwwwpwpwpwpwpwwpwpwpwpwwwwwwpwpX ppp wpwwpwppwpwpwpwpwwpwpwpwwpwpw wpw pwwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpw wpwwwwpwpwpwp=XXXXE pwwwpwwpwpwwp3 pwwwpwwpwpwwwp3 pKXXXXX J pwpwpwwppwp: wpwpwwwpwpwp: wpwpp?XXXXXpp'wpwpwwpwwpwpwpwwpwpwwwwwpwpppppwwpwp XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MiscellaneousMiscellaneousFileProtectionHeaderLWPStreamTypeOle2DirectoryStructOleRootStorageOleStorageOleStreamPreviewStreamDataWordProData  x(z f f4 w0)xKxZx ex 7xwx "xx  ox xCMHdrx