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Warpstock 98 T-Shirt Pre-order

March 13, 1999

Warpstock, Inc. has arranged to have another batch of Warpstock 98 tee-shirts made for anyone who wants to order some. The shirts will be identical to the ones worn by the speakers and staff at Warpstock 98 except for the colors.The shirts will be offered in purple and ash (gray). The cost will be $20.00 US plus shipping. BMT Micro has agreed to handle all advance order processing and fulfillment of the tee-shirt orders for Warpstock, Inc. The final availability of these tee-shirts will be contingent upon a sufficient number of advance orders.

Please visit http://www.warpstock.org/t_shirts.html for more information and to link to the BMT Micro pre-order page.

Advance orders will be accepted until April 19, 1999, after which time everyone that has placed an advance order will be notified of the amount that will be charged to their credit card or that there were an insufficient number of tee-shirt advance orders.


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