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Leading VoiceType Vendor to Attend OS/2 Warpstock '97

OS/2 Users, Vendors to Meet in Los Angeles, CA

June 13, 1997 - - Oklahoma City - -

SofTouch Systems, an advisory member of the Warpstock '97 steering committee, is pleased to announce Aviar, Inc., will be attending the inaugural Warpstock event to be held in Los Angeles, CA, October 24-26, 1997.

"We are looking forward to Warpstock, not only to demonstrate our speech products, but to exchange ideas and suggestions with other OS/2 users and speech application developers", said Dr. John J. Urbaniak, President of Aviar, Inc, a Pittsburgh-based software company founded in 1984. "OS/2 is indeed the platform for the nineties and beyond. We are happy to participate in such an exciting, forward-looking event as Warpstock" Urbaniak added.

Aviar recently announced two fully speech-enabled applications which complement OS/2 Warp 4: V Trex: " Information...at your COMMAND!" for spoken, natural-language information retrieval with IBM's DB2 database product, and DRAT! (Drug Review, Analysis and Testing) for speech-enabled manipulation of employee drug test data. "We are currently working on a speech version of our top-rated equipment maintenance product, the Ounce of Prevention System, to be released Fall 1997," Dr. Urbaniak said.

"We believe that speech is the future of computer interfacing." "OS/2, with its integrated VoiceType Dictation and Object REXX programming language provides an outstanding platform for speech-enabled, real-world application design and development", said Urbaniak.

Information about Aviar's products can be obtained from the web at http://www.oops-web.com/vtrex.

OS/2, VoiceType Dictation, Object REXX and DB2 are trademarks of IBM Corporation

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