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It's Time to Register for Warpstock 2000!

Warpstock, Inc. (Internet)
Contact: David Ameiss, Secretary (david@ameissnet.com)

Using OS/2 is the best way to save time while computing, but you'll be wasting your time if you don't go to Warpstock 2000 this September. And time is definitely running out to make your reservations.

OS/2 users who want to go to Warpstock need to make sure they don't miss key deadlines. They are:

  • July 31: Early Registration. Registration is $79 per person through July 31. That's only one week away! Beginning August 1, registration is $99 per person.

  • Hotel Room Availability. The Warpstock Committee recommends that you stay at the Holiday Inn Indepedence Mall. This is the hotel where the conference will be held. The special rate of $124 per night ($129 for double occupancy) is only for a limited number of rooms, so don't wait until the last minute! More information about the hotel, including pictures of the facilities, can be found on the Warpstock website at http://www.warpstock.org/2000/location/hotel_report.html.

  • September 9: Warpstock 2000. That's only six weeks away!

These deadlines are approaching fast, and you won't want to miss them. If you haven't made your reservations yet, then now is the time to do it! If, for some reason, you still haven't made up your mind, take a look at the list of presentations currently scheduled at http://www.warpstock.org/2000/presentations.html! You will undoubtedly find at least two presentations that you absolutely must see. Convinced now? Good! Point your browser to http://www.warpstock.org/2000/registration/registration.html, and follow the instructions. See you in September!

The 4th annual Warpstock conference will be held September 9-10, 2000, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is produced by Warpstock, Inc., a North Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of OS/2 users and vendors from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at the Warpstock 2000 website, http://www.warpstock.org.

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