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Warpstock Gets Webfoot


Webfoot, The OS/2 Duck, has announced he'll attend Warpstock 98 in Chicago this October.

The prolific OS/2 columnist and quacker-at-large attended last year's

Warpstock, and expects this year's event to be even grander.

I attended all of Timur Tabi's presentations," said The Duck, "both his Win32-OS/2 main-hall demonstration of converting Windows 95 software to OS/2 executables, and his TIMER0 technical lecture, which went into overtime and consumed an entire extra lecture period because he presented so much. Now that's the kind of stuff that makes this event worth attending! When I see Timur this year, I'm getting his autograph."

Webfoot is looking forward to even more of what he experienced at last year's two festive days in California. "There was Dick Goran's REXX presentation, and Paul Hethmon's email server. The OS/2 BBS and the technical comparison with NT. The guys from IBM who described the inner workings of the kernel. The vendor booths, the new product demonstrations and all the discounts. The grab bag of goodies they handed you as you walked in the door. The hundreds of door prizes given away. The free lunch on Saturday and the band on Saturday night. I've already registered for this year's big show. Maybe they'll ask me to be a guest lecturer."

Webfoot, whose monthly column is one of the most popular OS/2 sites on the 'net, suggests that anyone wanting a mention of their own OS/2-centric home page pay him a visit at Warpstock and pass along their url. He's always looking for new sites on which to bestow a few good quacks.

The complete Webfoot, The Duck historical list is at: http://www.scoug.com/os24u/webfoot.html

and El Ducko requests you click once more on the event site of the year at http://www.warpstock.org/

Webfoot, The OS/2 Duck is sponsored by the Southern California OS/2 User Group (http://www.scoug.com).

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