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Become a Master OS/2 Programmer at Warpstock '99!

Contact: Gordon Roland

September 29, 1999

The Warpstock planners are proud to announce that there will be a wide variety of software development presentations at this year's Warpstock. Besides six presentations on a variety of programming topics, there will also be a session that introduces software development to people with no programming experience.

"If you're a programmer or thinking about learning programming, I guarantee there will be at least one presentation that will teach you something," says Timur Tabi, considered by many to be the world's sexiest OS/2 programmer. "Who can claim that they know Rexx, Object Rexx, Presentation Manager, Assembly Language, OS/2 device drivers, TCP/IP programming, and Java? No one I know, not even me."

The software developer presentations are:

Introduction to Programming: This presentation is intended for people with no programming experience. Attendees will learn the basics about software development, such as: the software development cycle, what tools a programmer uses, what makes a computer language, how computers work, and more.

Introduction to REXX Programming: REXX is the built-in scripting language of OS/2, and everyone who uses OS/2 regularly should know REXX. It has the ability to control almost every aspect of OS/2, and it is the most commonly used language for applications that support scripting. OS/2 users who know REXX are ten times more productive than those who don't. This presentation will cover everything you need to write basic REXX programs.

Object REXX I and II: Object REXX (OREXX) is REXX on steroids. OREXX takes the REXX language and adds object oriented extensions, much like C++ does for C. Two members of Aviar, Inc. will lead you through this amazingly powerful and cross-platform language. The first session introduces the language and cover its syntax and use. The second session covers advanced OREXX, with a focus on multi-media and multi-threading.

Introduction to Presentation Manager Programming: Presentation Manager (PM) is the graphical interface for OS/2 - every OS/2 application that displays a window on the desktop needs to use PM. Why waste your time (and your users') with bloated software made with the Visual Age class library or Java? Learn to write graphical applications using the PM API, and your software will be small, fast, and powerful.

Introduction to Assembly language Programming: Think assembly language is only for gear heads who need to shave 10 microseconds from their code? Think again - you can't become a top-notch programmer unless you understand how the CPU works, and you can't learn that without knowing assembly language. This presentation will give you everything you need to understand assembly language programs.

Introduction to Device Driver Programming: Timur Tabi continues his long standing tradition of making sure that every OS/2 user knows how to write a device driver. Why wait for IBM or some uncaring hardware vendor to write a driver for OS/2, when you can write your own?! And new for this year, the presentation has been expanded to two parts! In Part 1, you'll learn all the basics of writing an OS/2 device driver. In Part 2, Timur will go over an entire OS/2 device driver, line by line.

TCP/IP Programming on OS/2: Paul Hethmon, author of the Inet.Mail mail server for OS/2, once again teaches TCP/IP programming for OS/2. TCP/IP is the backbone of the Internet and the most popular network technology on the planet, and OS/2 Warp is best platform for networking. Let Paul teach you everything you need to write TCP/IP enabled applications under OS/2, including differences between OS/2 and other implementations of TCP/IP.

Java Programming: Gordon Roland takes off his Chairperson hat and puts on his Java hat with two presentations on the Java programming language. First, Gordon tells you how you can migrate your old COBOL applications to Java, using his experiences as examples. Then, in "Overview of Java Technology Today", he talks about design goals of Java and how well those goals have been met. He finishes with an overview of the state of the art today.

More information about Warpstock '99 can be found at the official Warpstock web site, http://www.warpstock.org. To see the list of presentations and when they are scheduled, click on the item "List of Presentations" on the left side.

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