Date/Time : Saturday - 10:00 AM
Location : Guadelupe
Speaker : Kendall Bennett,
SciTech Software
This presentation will give an overview of the
new SciTech SNAP Technology, short for System Neutral Access Protocol. SciTech SNAP
forms the foundation of the next generation SciTech SNAP Graphics for OS/2 display
driver, and is a driving technology for the burgeoning embedded and industrial PC
markets. This presentation will cover the foundational principles behind SciTech
SNAP, how this is implemented on the OS/2 platform and information on the SciTech
SNAP SDK s and DDK s that will be available from SciTech.
Date/Time : Saturday - 10:00 AM & 11:30 AM
Location : Frio
Speaker : Jan Van Wijk,
The Netherlands
Display File Systems (DFSee) is a generic partition
and filesystem browser/analyser. DFSee supports partition-tables (FDISK, LVM), (V)FAT,
FAT-32, HPFS-structures, some NTFS and JFS stuff and it might support different
file-systems like EXT2 in the future. This presentation will be an introduction
to DFSee : a demonstration of the product's main features, some usage examples and
finally a Q&A session.
Date/Time : Saturday - 02:00 PM
Location : Frio
Speaker : Richard R. Spurlock
& William F. Kershner, Starfire
Engineering & Technologies, Inc.
You've been there, done that, got the t-shirt ...but
you've never seen anything like this before!
See how Starfire Titan solves every network administrator's
worst nightmares by leveraging a unique and powerful Java-based technology to accomplish
what many have long thought impossible: rapid, consistent, cross-platform enterprise
systems management. See how Titan complements your existing methods for system administration.
Whether they are currently manual, quasi-automated, or even fully-automated, Titan
will fit your enterprise. Moreover, you will see how Titan can enable you to reclaim
your time to focus on what's really important, by empowering your customers with
the ability to execute complex system administration activities by themselves.
Whether it's password headaches, new employee provisioning,
maintaining fresh documentation, or cloning yourself and your gurus, these challenges
can be overcome with Starfire Titan. We'll take you on a tour through a fully-equipped
Titan Controller running on everyone's favorite operating system and we'll be demonstrating
this technology's capabilities with Titan Agents running on OS/2, Linux, Win32,
and possibly other platforms.
So, come join us on Saturday at 2:00pm and see
Titan in action as it enables you to meet your systems management challenges head-on!
Starfire Titan is 100% pure Java, 100% cross-platform,
and 100% developed on OS/2.
Date/Time : Sunday - 09:00 AM
Location : Frio
Speaker : Gregory Shah, Golden
Code Develoment Corporation
An introduction to Golden Code Development's suite
of tracing solutions: Network Trace for OS/2, Kernel Trace for OS/2, and the Trace
Analyzer for Java. With an emphasis on demonstration, this discussion will highlight
how these solutions are used to diagnose problems, to ease network and workstation
management, and to lower the total cost of ownership of networked computing environments.
Date/Time : Sunday - 02:30 PM
Location : Guadelupe
Speaker : Greg Shah, Golden
Code Development
Golden Code Development announced a comprehensive
service solution, which includes a new, OS/2 port of the Java 2 Standard Edition
("J2SE") platform, release 1.4, and ongoing development and support for
the the Mozilla Web Browser under OS/2.
Date/Time : Saturday - 03:30 PM & Sunday - 01:00 PM
Location : Guadelupe (Sat) & Wedgewood (Sun)
Speaker : Ben Armstrong
Virtual PC For OS/2 enables users to run Windows
and OS/2 applications simultaneously on a single computer, providing seamless integration
and interoperability between Windows and OS/2 environments. With Virtual PC for
OS/2, companies can continue to benefit from their strategic investments in OS/2
applications as well as new operating systems and applications, while eliminating
the expense of managing dual systems or downtime of continuous rebooting.
DEM08 - eComStation Updates
Date/Time : Sunday - 10:30 AM
Location : Guadelupe
Speaker : Serenity Systems International
eComStation (eCS) is an Internet enabled platform
for business desktop computing. The focus of eCS is to provide an organization with
a set of world class business applications and an application engine which can support
multiple API sets. eCS is REXX enabled and comes with support for DOS, Java, Windows
3.1, OS/2 applications.
DEM09 - F/X Communications
Date/Time : Saturday - 11:30 AM, Sunday - 01:00 PM
Location : Bosque, Frio
Speaker : Brian Smith, F/X
Brian Smith will present the new features of the
InJoy Firewall and Dialer with an emphasis on crossplatform operability. Demonstrating
platform independent management and serving using clients and servers of varying
systems, including OS/2, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and MacOS. As well demonstrating
some of the new tunnelling and firewalling functionality, using the new GUI.
Date/Time : Sunday - 10:30 AM
Location : Frio
Speaker : Gregory Shah, Golden
Code Development
Golden Code will be demonstrating a new product
called SESAME. This product is the most complete security system ever created for
OS/2. It turns OS/2 into a true multi-user system from both a local and remote access
perspective. A wide range of resources can be secured including devices, drives,
partitions, directories, files, kernel APIs and more. User, group and application
account definitions are under the complete control of the system administrator and
a very granular level of access control is available through the access control
lists (ACLs) specified for each account by resource. Come see the possibilities
of securing OS/2! Security features will be shown that have never before been available
for OS/2.