Warpstock 98 attendee survey results - page 3
This survey was taken from a poll of the people attending the 1998 show. The results were compiled in November from the list of 91 people responding. They are posted here with a great deal of gratitude to Esther Schindler who did all the work.

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Question 21: How satisfied were you with the event publicity?
	A- Very satisfied					08.05%
	B- Satisfied						45.98%
	C- Dissatisfied						34.48%
	D- Very dissatisfied					11.49%
Question 22: If very dissatisfied, why?
	Even though I visit a lot of OS/2 sites I did not learn about it early on

	I don't believe that the event was publicized to the public at large.

	I didn't see any publicity	

	No one else knew about it, there wasn't any mention of the event locally,
	or anywhere other than select few websites	

	No press.  No articles before, no articles after.  No LinkExchange ads.
	Nothing. :(	

	Not enough attention is paid to advertising / publicizing.	

	Promotion is always the most difficult activity for a volunteer (and
	sometimes commercial) effort.	

	There was _NO_ Mainstream Coverage of the event!	

	There was a lot of negative publicity around the event such as "Warpstock
	is dead" due the last minute change of events.	


	There was barely any advertising of the event besides Warpcast and the

	There was none	

	Too much early confusion and related rumors	

	We needed more. You guys did the best you could, but I wish some trade
	rags at least mentioned its existence. Did anyone send out a Press Release?
	Before or after?

	What event publicity?	

	What event publicity? Only Usenetters ever heard of it, I think.

	What Publicity?
Question 23: How satisfied were you with the social aspects (meeting other users, dinner out, etc)?
	A- Very satisfied					30.38%
	B- Satisfied						49.37%
	C- Dissatisfied						13.92%
	D- Very dissatisfied					06.33%
Question 24: If very dissatisfied, why?
	Again, I am really just dissatisfied.  I think it would have worked out
	better if there had been an inexpensive banquet Saturday night that
	every one could have attended instead of people signing up to go out
	to dinner with a group.  It might also be a good idea to schedule 
	Warp Stock earlier in the year (or in a warmer part of the country) in 
	a location near lots of restaurants.  Maybe a Saturday evening barbecue
	or something outside for everyone attending Warp Stock or who bought
	tickets for this social event.

	Badly planned

	BOF room always seemed empty probably due to lack of breathing time
	between seminars. It sounds like the socializing was better if you stayed
	at the hotel, but I didn't.	

	I went to Chicago and it was very expensive

	In the hotel, there was not a convenient place for folks to socialize. I
	believe this hurt the "Birds of a Feather sessions. The POSSI dinner was
	okay, but did not compare at all to the outside event we had at Diamond

	Should be an organized opportunity to meet on each day of the event

	Some attempt to provide organization for dinner for those interested 
	might have been beneficial
Question 25: How satisfied were/are you with the Warpstock Web site?
	A- Very satisfied					25.29%
	B- Satisfied						57.47%
	C- Dissatisfied						09.20%
	D- Very dissatisfied					01.15%
	E- Didn't use the Web site				06.90%
Question 26: If very dissatisfied, why?
	Actually, I thought the web site was very informative and useful, I just
	wish that the seminar schedule and content could have been posted 
	sooner. But I also appreciate the effort of the volunteers and speakers
	and know the difficulty to get such a large undertaking together.

	Itinerary should be released much earlier - would have attended 2nd day
	(or even both days) instead of first if we had the itinerary beforehand

	Recommend posting directions to the event
Question 27: How satisfied were you with the badge pick-up process?
	A- Very satisfied					27.91%
	B- Satisfied						52.33%
	C- Dissatisfied						13.95%
	D- Very dissatisfied					05.81%
Question 28: If very dissatisfied, why?
	Badges? We don't need no stinking badges! :-) Seriously, I paid for more
	than one attendee, and all their badges ended up with my name on them.	1
	Couldn't find you Friday Night, Sat just busy

	Did not have badge ready	

	It was very disorganized.	

	LATE!  "Early check in was for a certain time, but the badge check in did
	not open until 3.5 hours later, then not complete. Also, no proof of
	Identification was asked for... very unprofessional.	

	Lost our registration

	Registration not found

	The registration area didn't open until late on Fri.  Vendor badges
	weren't at the normal pick-up location and only one person there seemed to
	know where we had to go to get them.

	Totally unorganized. No audit trail.

	We prepaid for more than one person using the same credit card, and then
	had a huge hassle standing in line to straighten it out
Question 29: How satisfied were you with the event program, listing the sessions, exhibitors, rooms, times, and so on?
	A- Very satisfied					15.48%
	B- Satisfied						55.95%
	C- Dissatisfied						15.48%
	D- Very dissatisfied					13.10%
Question 30: If very dissatisfied, why?
	Events should not overlap, in some cases you had to leave session early to
	attend another one whose time overlapped

	I was satisfied, but frustrated, because often there was more than one
	event that I wanted attend at the same time.	

	Many sessions were one day only. If missed on day 1, could not be attended
	on day 2.	

	No description of what the session was or who was presenting it.	

	No lunch break

	No one told us the information was on a channel in our rooms and it took us
	a while to find the electronic version in the lobby.	

	Obviously I have some bias here -- I had attendance that was lower than
	WS97, even though I thought I had a better presentation. 	

	Please put what the events are about not just list them

	Rooms weren't clearly identified, no time scheduled for lunch/breaks,  no
	time allotted for exhibit hall interactions, no warning time to plan BOFS,
	many session conflicts - should spread out common theme or session tracks
	so that attendees can attend the items of interest.  Reduce the number of
	concurrent sessions that would be of interest to a attendee profile- i.e.
	three interesting topics at the same time, then 4 fluff topics afterward
	is frustrating

	Should be available sooner - may have attended both days if we had seen it
	prior to ticket purchase

	Was confused about what session was in what room	

	We shouldn't have even bothered.	

	What was to like?  It was thrown together at the last moment and it looked
	it. There were no descriptions or speakers for the sessions.  Times were
	confusing. When changes were made, they were NEVER corrected on the
	copies of the schedule that were posted.  The list of exhibitors was
	incomplete and many did not have descriptions (one that was missing I know
	you had because I sent it in and got confirmation back that it was
	received before the deadline).
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