Warpstock 98 attendee survey results - page 4
This survey was taken from a poll of the people attending the 1998 show. The results were compiled in November from the list of 91 people responding. They are posted here with a great deal of gratitude to Esther Schindler who did all the work.

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Question 31: How satisfied were you with BMT Micro's handling of on-line/toll-free registration for advanced ticket sales?
	A- Very satisfied					56.98%
	B- Satisfied						26.74%
	C- Dissatisfied						05.81%
 	D- Very dissatisfied					04.65%
 	E- Not applicable; I paid at the door			05.81%
Question 32: If very dissatisfied, why?
	But had a problem. Second registration did not complete as no registration
	code was received. Upon e-mail questioning about lack of response,
	immediate human response and manual registration done within minutes. Good

	For those who were early enough the check in badges and
	tickets should have been mailed to the home	

	I sent in two registration applications and got verification of two
	registrations, however when we arrived at Warpstock only one badge and one
	registration was there.  It turned out o.k. only because my badge  was
	covered by POSSI and I was not charged for the second registration.	

	Someone lost our registration - whether it was BMT or the committee, I
	don't know.

	We registered by mail.  You ought to take this option into account in your
	analysis of this question.

	When I picked up the tickets I ordered on my Credit Card they all had the
	name of the card holder which needed to be corrected

	Wrong name appeared on badge, confirmation had correct registration name,
	but badge had the name on the credit card
Question 33: How satisfied were you with the door ticket sales?
	A- Very satisfied					02.50%
	B- Satisfied						12.50%
	C- Dissatisfied						01.25%
 	D- Very dissatisfied					01.25%
	E- Not applicable; I paid in advance			82.50%
Question 34: If very dissatisfied, why?
No accountability or audit trail		
Question 35: How satisfied were you with the exhibit hall, overall?
	A- Very satisfied					20.69%
	B- Satisfied						68.97%
	C- Dissatisfied						05.75%
	D- Very dissatisfied					01.15%
	E- Never visited the exhibit hall			03.45%
Question 36: How many purchases did you make in the exhibit hall?
	A- 5 or more						41.67%
	B- 4							10.71%
	C- 3							15.48%
	D- 2							13.10%
	E- 1							07.14%
	F- None							11.90%
Question 37: About how much money did you spend on Warpstock purchases? (US dollars)
	A- $1,000 or more					04.94%
	B- $500 - $1,000					08.64%
	C- $250 - $500						25.93%
	D- $100 - 250						35.80%
	E- $50 - 100						11.11%
	F- Less than $50					13.58%
Question 38: How satisfied were you with the product demonstrations, overall?
	A- Very satisfied					27.38%
	B- Satisfied						54.76%
	C- Dissatisfied						00.00%
	D- Very dissatisfied					03.57%
	E- Didn't attend any demonstrations			14.29%
Question 39: If very dissatisfied, why?
	All the good stuff happened while I wasn't looking.	

	Felt sorry for BizWiz booth, seems that nothing went right for them

	Some vendors couldn't demonstrate product due to technical difficulties,
	couldn't attend vendor demo due to program conflicts of interest, vendor
	booths operate mainly during sessions and immediately shutdown thereafter
	reducing amount of time available to meet with vendors.  Limited
	representation of OS/2 supported hardware/computer systems.

	The demonstration for Star Office 5.0 wasn't well prepared but perhaps that
	was partly due to having to move back and forth between the microphone and
	this computer hooked into the video projector.  Here the hotel did a good
	job of responding to his need and getting an extension for the microphone
	so he could work at his PC while speaking to the crowd through the
	microphone.  But by the time the microphone extension was in place, he was
	unable or wasn't prepared to do a demonstration.  The same speaker also
	had trouble demonstrating the product in the exhibit hall. He couldn't get
	the mouse attached to his PC to work reliably (spent a lot of time banging
	the mouse on the table and swearing at it in German).  Yet, I still
	purchased Star Office 5.0 from Indelible Blue (BTW, Indelible Blue could
	not get Internet access to process my order -- the network to handle
	Internet access didn't work).  I have tried using Star Office 5.0 at home:
	installed it, tried to enter data via its spreadsheet, could not get it to
	work, and removed it from my PC.  I probably don't understand their user
	paradigm and a better demo might have helped me. Another poor presentation
	was Richard Bryne's of SDK.  I am very glad that he attended and so became
	aware of his product.  But when I attended is product demo -- he had
	nothing to demo.  I asked questions and liked the answers but it would
	have been nice to see even a buggy beta of the product.  Since then I have
	been watching SDK's web site where they said they would have a version
	available for downloading the week after WarpStock.  Three weeks later
	there is still nothing. I love the operating system and I appreciate any
	vendor willing to spend the time, money, and effort to support OS/2 -- but
	the stuff I described above makes one realize why we live in a Windows

	The only thing I was dissatisfied about was 1. that some of the
	presentations had to be canceled, and 2. that there weren't more IBM
Question 40: The presentation sessions should have...
	A- More technical how-to				16.24%
	B- Less technical how-to				00.00%
	C- More information about IBM's strategies		11.44%
	D- Less information about IBM's strategies		00.00%
	E- More OS/2 architecture (under the hood)		13.65%
	F- Less OS/2 architecture (under the hood)		00.00%
	G- More "advocacy" sessions				04.43%
	H- Fewer "advocacy" sessions				03.32%
	I- More programming topics				11.44%
	J- Fewer programming topics				00.00%
	K- More business application topics			10.33%
	L- Fewer business application topics			00.37%
	M- More home user topics				15.50%
	N- Fewer home user topics				00.37%
	O- More "network computing" topics			09.23%
	P- Fewer "network computing" topics			01.11%
	Q- What other topic areas? Please specify:		02.58%

	How to get help from IBM!
	Tips & Tricks, Optimizing Config.sys, more bar time
	Embedded systems
	Supported hardware/systems, soho topics, success stories/ideas, effective
	OS/2 computer upgrading
	Software Distribution (CID)
	Driver,FixPacks,Upgrades,Tricks & Tips
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