Warpstock 98 attendee survey results - page 5
This survey was taken from a poll of the people attending the 1998 show. The results were compiled in November from the list of 91 people responding. They are posted here with a great deal of gratitude to Esther Schindler who did all the work.

Questions 44 to 73 asked people to rate the sessions that they attended.

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Question 41: How satisfied were you with the QUALITY of the presentation speakers?
	A- Very satisfied					40.96%
	B- Satisfied						48.19%
	C- Dissatisfied	 					02.41%
	D- Very dissatisfied					00.00%
	E- Didn't attend any presentations			08.43%
Question 42: How satisfied were you with the NUMBER OF SESSIONS?
	A- Way too many						01.25%
	B- Too many						03.75%
	C- Just right						61.25%
	D- Too few						31.25%
	E- Way too few						02.50%
Question 43: Rate the LENGTH of the sessions
	A- 120 minutes or more					00.00%
	B- 90 minutes to 120 minutes				16.87%
	C- They're just right at 60 to 75 minutes		73.49%
	D- 30 minutes to 60 minutes				08.43%
	E- Less than 30 minutes					01.20%
Question 44: Welcome address (Saturday morning, Stan Sidlov) - 45 responses
	A- Very satisfied					13.33%
	B- Satisfied						64.44%
	C- Dissatisfied						17.78%
	D- Very dissatisfied					04.44%
Question 45: Aurora and WorkSpace On Demand (Saturday morning, Steven King) - 41 responses
	A- Very satisfied					60.98%
	B- Satisfied						39.02%
	C- Dissatisfied						00.00%
	D- Very dissatisfied					00.00%
Question 46: Win32-OS/2: One Year Later (Saturday morning, Timur Tabi) - 42 responses
	A- Very satisfied					35.71%
	B- Satisfied						45.24%
	C- Dissatisfied						19.05%
	D- Very dissatisfied					00.00%
Question 47: Managed Client as a Free Service Opportunity (Saturday morning, Bob St John) - 5 responses
	A- Very satisfied					60.00%
	B- Satisfied						40.00%
	C- Dissatisfied						00.00%
	D- Very dissatisfied					00.00%
Question 48: SmartSuite for OS/2 Warp 4 (Saturday afternoon, Michael Steinberg) - 21 responses
	A- Very satisfied					09.52%
	B- Satisfied						61.90%
	C- Dissatisfied						09.52%
	D- Very dissatisfied					19.05%
Question 49: A quick look at VisualAge (Saturday afternoon, Dave Bricetti) - 15 responses
	A- Very satisfied					33.33%
	B- Satisfied						46.67%
	C- Dissatisfied						20.00%
	D- Very dissatisfied					00.00%
Question 50: Image might be something after all (Saturday afternoon, Pete Grubbs) - 10 responses
	A- Very satisfied					40.00%
	B- Satisfied						50.00%
	C- Dissatisfied						00.00%
	D- Very dissatisfied					10.00%
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