Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Andy Willis
Course Description:
This class will focus primarily on setting up GCC both versions 3.2.1
(including EMX and if there is interest 2.8.1) and 3.2.2 and
OpenWatcom. As case studies we will setup Mozilla, Rdesktop (a Terminal
Server client that runs on X), and Mary Amodeo's MrMessage (an native
aim/icq client). We will delve into the various libraries that are
needed for porting *nix programs and setting up and using cvs client.
Depending on interest and time we will also explore setting up Odin and
Everblue (Odin requires VACPP to build at this time).
While not required, attendees are encouraged to bring thier PC's or laptops.
This will allow for review of specific problems and hopefully send attendees
away with working, ready to go systems.