Warpstock 2004 - Denver, Colorado, October 21 - 24 2004

Warpstock 2004

Wish List
Speaker Information
General Topics
Networking & Internet
Open Source
Product Demonstrations

Warpstock Investor

File Library

Presentation Schedule HTML

List of classes

Classes provide an opportunity for hands-on learning. Individual classes range in length from 4 hours to 2 days; check the duration listed for each class.

"Students" must bring their own PC in order to participate in the class exercises. There will be a very limited number of "loaner" desktop PCs available for use on a "first come" basis. If you need a loaner PC mention that when enrolling for the class.

In order to enroll for a class you must first register and pay for the Warpstock conference, either the 4 day package or for 4 individual days. Then you must send an email to warpstock2004 @ covad.net (without the spaces) indicating the class or classes you wish to take and your email address. The cost of the classes is included in the conference registration costs, although some classes may have small additional costs for documentation etc. which will be noted in that class' description.

Enrollment is limited for all classes - enrollment is on a "first come" basis.

Classes may cancelled for a variety of reasons: minimum enrollment not met, instructor sick, etc. You will be notified of the cancellation of any classes for which you have enrolled.

All instructors are volunteers. Classes without an instructor assigned may be cancelled.

CL-01 : Building Applications with VisualAge C++ Visual Builder
Duration: 1 Day
Instructor: D. G. Clark
Status: Confirmed

CL-07 : C/REXX partnership: calling Rexx from C and calling C from Rexx
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Paul Curtis
Status: Confirmed

CL-08 : Disk partitioning, LVM and filesystems used with OS2 and eComStation
Duration: 1/2 Day (may be repeated and/or become a full day)
Instructor: Jan van Wijk
Status: Confirmed

CL-09 : Mozilla Based Content Management for your website
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Arne Blankerts
Status: Confirmed

CL-10 : Setting up GCC, tools, and utilities
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Andy Willis
Status: Confirmed

CL-11 : Tutorial on the SQL Database, with PostgreSql (below)
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Scott Marlowe
Status: Confirmed

CL-12 : Wireless Networking with OS/2
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Lewis Rosenthal
Status: Confirmed

CL-13 : eCS Installation Workshop
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Roderick Klein, Alex Taylor, Chuck McKinnis
Status: Confirmed

CL-14 : sVista Installation and Operation Workshop
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: Robert Henschel - 6PAC Company
Status: Confirmed

Uncomfirmed Classes

CL-02 : Building a Palm Pilot Hot Sync Conduit for the jSyncManger
Duration: 1 Day
Instructor: Brad Barclay
Status: Tentative

CL-03 : Setting up a Virtual Private Network
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: TBD
Status: Unscheduled

CL-04 : Object Oriented Programming with Object Rexx
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: TBD
Status: Unscheduled

CL-05 : Extending the WPS with Object Rexx
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: TBD
Status: Unscheduled

CL-06 : Getting the Most Out of the WPS
Duration: 1/2 Day
Instructor: TBD
Status: Unscheduled

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