Warpstock 2005 - Hershey, Pennsylvania, October 6 - 9 2005

Warpstock 2005
Warpstock Investor
Warpstock 2005 now completed -- corrections/additions

There were some questions that have arisen from the original email that went out as well as some corrections.

First Derek Keoughan sent this:

"Just in the interest of clarity, it was an Athlon64 3000+ PC, and it must be mentioned that it was paid for by a Warpstock attendee who wishes to remain anonymous! The way it's written, it makes it sound like I was being overly generous, and that's not fair to the donor." Thank you to Derek for the correction and an apology to the donor. Second, the observant will notice his last name should be correct here which was not the case in the previous message (apologies as I should have caught that).

Finally, it was asked how many attendees there were this year compared to previous year's. There were 70 attendees this year. That is up from previous year which had ~50 and ~100 the year prior.

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