Conference Rooms
08:15 AM
Welcome to Warpstock 2000
08:30 AM
08:45 AM
09:00 AM
09:15 AM
09:30 AM
OS/2 Warp for Road Warriors (repeated)
Introduction to Programming
Zipstream Secure v2 (repeated)
09:45 AM
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
OS/2 - Where Do We Want to Go Today?
11:00 AM
11:15 AM
11:30 AM
11:45 AM
12:00 PM
Workspace On-Demand Version 3
Slash Support Costs with Remote Control
Building Dynamic Web Pages Using PHP
Wise Manager Installation Tutorial
12:15 PM
12:30 PM
12:45 PM
01:00 PM
Lunch Break
01:15 PM
01:30 PM
01:45 PM
02:00 PM
Warpzilla: What's in it for users?
Control Your Enterprise With Starfire Titan
OS/2 Device Drivers News (repeated)
Wise Manager Operational Support
02:15 PM
02:30 PM
02:45 PM
03:00 PM
03:15 PM
Warpzilla: What's in it for developers?
OS/2 Networking w/ Cable and DSL Internet Access - Part
SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2
Mobile Managed Client Computing
03:30 PM
03:45 PM
04:00 PM
04:15 PM
04:30 PM
The OS/2 Netlabs
Booting Diskless Windows Workstations
Jungo's WinDriver for OS/2
Thinking Relationally
04:45 PM
05:00 PM
05:15 PM
05:30 PM
05:45 PM
OS/2 Fixpak Process
MP3's - what they are and what you can do with them
Programming drivers for USB devices on OS/2
Exploiting Mesa 2's Real Time Feed
06:00 PM
06:15 PM
06:30 PM
06:45 PM
Saturday Night Social
07:00 PM
07:15 PM