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Event Highlights

Product Demonstrations

Networking & Internet


OS/2 Techniques

Networking & Internet


External Printservers and OS/2

  • Date/Time : Saturday - 11:00am
  • Location : Algonquin C/D
  • Presenter : Dr. Uwe Hinz, Germany

    Printing with OS/2 on a SOHO-LAN. Eight different external printservers from six major manufacturers are analysed in behaviour, performance and maintainance using NetBIOS, TCP/IP and DLC/LLC. A short reflection on printservers. Where did they come from, why are they useful. Conclusion: The better choice, the most stable printserver software under OS/2 and recommendations.

Remote Booting Alien Operating Systems from OS/2

  • Date/Time : Sunday - 08:30am - 09:45am
  • Location : Algonquin C/D
  • Presenter : Micho Durdevich

    Part 1: Diskless workstations booting Windows ME from OS/2 server
    Part 2: Diskless Linux clients

    In these lectures we shall overview a powerful remote-boot subsystem of OS/2 Warp Server (both RIPL and DHCP/PXE modes). We shall discuss how to use and modify this technology, in order to enable complete control and management of Windows and Linux (thin and fat) clients from OS/2 Warp Server. In particular, we shall explain in detail how to enable remote-booting of diskless Linux workstations, and diskless Windows Millennium Edition systems, from OS/2 Warp Server. Finally, we shall explain how to convert an eComStation system into a powerful remote-boot server, that supports diskless Win32, Linux and OS/2 clients.

Web site development : What I wish I had known before starting

  • Date/Time : Sunday - 08:30am & Monday - 11:00am
  • Location : Algonquin A/B
  • Presenter : Dr. Jeffrey Race

    Written by a survivor, this presentation covers what I wanted to know before starting but could find nowhere, nor have ever seen since. This is not a presentation on website design or html coding (though suggestions will be offered on both). Rather it covers the big and little issues that need to be addressed before starting, what are the options, and what are the tools and utilities you can use (many OS/2, but others online or on other platforms).

    Issues include html declaration level, use of CSS and frames, accessibility standards, browser compatibility, user friendliness, security, search engine placement, aesthetics, and legalities.

    Utilities and tools include code validators, link checkers, browser validators, color-blindness evaluators, image optimizers, search facilities, coding tools and tutorial resources.

    This is basically a management overview but you may find this useful regardless of whether you are managing a team for a company or a one-man-show (i.e. doing it all yourself).

Exterminating Spammers Step-by-Step (Really!)

  • Date/Time : Saturday - 11:00 am & Monday - 09:45am
  • Location : Algonquin A/B
  • Presenter : Dr. Jeffrey Race

    The presentation offers a fun-filled, educational and socially useful procedure to really go after spammers, rather than just using filters or hitting the delete key. Techniques focus on analyzing the upload path, analyzing the return path, proper channels for lodging complaints, proper wording, issues of legal recourse, supportive utilities and newsgroups, and the bigger picture of what can ultimately (and practically) be done to stop spam. Some OS/2 tools are used but this is mainly for those of us who are hurt by spam (everybody-because we can't put our e-mail addresses on websites or open newsgroup posts) and who have a few minutes daily to work out our aggressions on social vermin rather than kicking our dog or smashing our keyboard.

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