OS/2 Techniques, Tips & Tricks
ODIN - update and tips & tricks
Protecting your Systems with Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Date/Time : Saturday - 01:00pm
Location : Algonquin A/B
Presenter : Armin Schwarz,
Lone Peak Automation
Uninterruptible Power Supplies are becoming more
widely used, be it because of acute energy situations or increased importance of
protecting mission critical data.
This presentation will show in detail how a UPS works, how to understand specifications,
features that are included and how to select the right model for your needs. Presented
also are the various computer interfaces that allow monitoring UPS status and what
software is available to gracefully shutdown your OS/2 or eCS system. As an example,
the features of UPS Monitor for OS/2 are briefly demonstrated.
The presentation will conclude with the unveiling of a new and unique UPS with OS/2
and eCS drivers: The PowerCard made by Guardian On Board. PowerCard is a UPS that
fits inside your desktop, tower or industrial computer. PowerCard is ideal for systems
and equipment where space is critical: small desktops, Internet kiosks, Point of
Sale & ATM machines, gaming systems and time & attendance systems.